Showing posts with label Recovery Is For Quitters And Queers. Or Maybe It's Steers? Yeah It's Steers. Sorry.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery Is For Quitters And Queers. Or Maybe It's Steers? Yeah It's Steers. Sorry.. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh! Riiiiiiiiiiight.

God! I wish I could read....

"Shit adds up at the bottom."
~ Maynard James Keenan

Haha! I just got a text from my friend Dee:

“The movie quotes are all hilarious, Kage, but what about your fucking weigh in?!”

Oh! Riiiiiiiiiight. I guess everyone’s wondering if I’m still in the Eating Disorders program?! And if I'm not, am I now wandering the streets of some random city, babbling about stupid movie quotes and holding a Denny’s restaurant up at gunpoint. (For their food. I’m not an animal.)

So’s! Monday morning came along, and Kagie was scaaaaaaared. So she drank LOTS of coffee before going to program, and refused to void her bladder until after weigh in. Which sounds like fun, but is actually just a little bit uncomfortable.

But definitely more comfortable than ramming a roll of loonies up the shazzer, am I right, people?



Sorry, sorry. One would assume more comfortable than a ramming roll of loonies up the shazzer.

Anyway, I ate brekkers at hop-sital with the other anorexics Monday morning, and squeezed in two more cups of tea before our alloted time was up. Then I sat in the lounge with the other girls to wait for my weigh in. I was just vibrating with the need to pee, and had my arms wrapped around my lower body in a subconscious effort to keep it from exploding - though every time a nurse would pass, I would stretch my arms behind my head, and grin loftily.

“Morning!” I would say brightly, then bend back over in agony when the coast was clear.

“Green Room’s empty,” our prettiest anorexic, the Beautiful Cutter, announced a few minutes later, when she finally returned to the lounge.

“I’M NEXT!” I yelled, and waddled desperately out of the room before any other anorexic could even THINK about getting up.

I straightened up again as I opened the door that led to the offices, and walked casually down the hallway towards the green nurse’s room. Please God, please God, please God, I prayed silently, behind my mask of calm. I don’t wanna get kicked out for losing weight. I’ll try harder. Oh, and please don’t let me die of urine poisoning? So gross.

I quickly changed into my paper robe and opened the door a fraction for the nurse, then did a little pee pee dance as I waited for her to appear. Oh God, this was definitely my dumbest idea ever, I decided, trying to manually hold my bladder inside my body.

PattyCakes finally showed up. I quickly dropped my hands and tried to look charming. “Morning, girlfriend!” I said, overly brightly.

She looked up from her clipboard, stunned.

Ooooh, right. I’m the hateful one.

The urine was going to my fucking BRAIN.

“How was your weekend, Kage?” she asked me suspiciously.

“Oh, good, you know, the usual, haha!” I said cheerfully, still fidgeting madly. “Can’t wait to get started on another week of treatment! Boy, I’m pumped to get started! Aren’t you? Pumped to get started? Let’s get started!”

“Kaaaaaaay,” she said, and before she could even turn on the power, I was standing on the scale.

“Kage? Can you get off for a sec?” she said pointedly. “I have to turn it on.”

“Oh!” I said, stepping back reluctantly. FUCK! my bladder screamed.

“There we go, now you can-”

“Done!” I cried.

I looked down at the scale.

59.6 kgs.

Last time I was 59.9 kgs.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed, as Green Nurse walked in.

Greenie looked at the scale, and then at the chart. “What?” she asked.

“Whadya mean, what?” I snapped, stepping off the scale.

“You’re on track with your weight recovery,” she said with a shrug.

I cocked my head, a la puzzled dog. “What?! But I thought-”

Abruptly, I shut up.

“You thought what?” Greenie asked.

“Nothing,” I smiled brightly.


 PattyCakes narrowed her eyes. “Okay, then,” she said slowly. “You can get dressed, Kage.” And with a quick, suspicious sniffing of the air around me, both nurses left me alone again.

I dressed quickly, then waddled down the hall towards the bathroom, moaning intermittently. Please let me make it to the bathroom, God, I thought desperately. Please. I promise I will never wear my Naughty Nun costume ever again. EVER. I swear.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I cannot explain the BLISS that that pee brought me. I really can’t. No, like seriously, you just don’t know what you’re missing out on. I highly recommend giving it a whirl, if you have nothing else to do at anorexia treatment one morning. Really, give it a go. Then get back to me, let me know how it was.

When I was finished crying in the bathroom stall, I picked myself up off the floor, washed my hands, and went to my locker to retrieve Mr. Reznor (my iPod). Time to be serious. Something was definitely off - how could I be ‘on track with my weight recovery’ if I had lost weight since last week?

“Morning, baby,” I murmured to Mr. Reznor, taking a moment to fondle my iPod in a sexually inappropriate manner before I sought out his calculator. Then I jabbed in that morning’s numbers to find out what was going on.

59.6 x 2.2. What that make, Mr. Reznor? I asked him. (Yes, I talk to my iPod like it’s the real Trent Reznor, so what. Piss off, I'm lonely.)

Hey, Kage, he greeted me. You are so beautiful, I can’t wait to have sex with you. Anyway, your weight is 131.12 lbs.

Huh? I thought. I know you’re a beautiful and flawless sex beast, Trent, but that can’t be right.

Sorry, but it is. You’ve just been so busy with your urine poisoning, you messed up your numbers from last week. You weren’t 59.9, you were 58.9.

No fucking way! I thought. Really?

Yup, Mr. Reznor nodded (as much as an iPod can).

Wait a minute, I thought. Does that mean...

Yup, he said.

...I didn’t have to...

Nope, he said.


Nope, Mr. Reznor said.

I moaned loudly and let my forehead slam heavily into my locker. “Ow,” I cried miserably.


Deal's off, God, ya dick, I thought bitterly. I can’t WAIT to wear my Naughty Nun costume again! 

In fact, I think I’ll wear it to treatment tomorrow.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dropping Like (Anorexic) Flies

Quick! Hide these diamonds in

"Sex is like the death penalty: one outcome, so many different ways of carrying it out."
~Stephen Colbert

Holy scheisse!

Last Monday, we were at full capacity in Day Program. 14 anorexics were crammed in around the Dining Room table, using our sharp, pointy elbows as weapons to jostle each other for more room.

When I walked into the dining room with my brekkers on Friday morning and sat down to eat, I was surprised by the number of people that smirked back at me.

We were down to seven - which included one new girl.

Physio had gone on ‘Reflection’ last week (ie: Adult Timeout). She apparently came back in yesterday to tell the facilitators to go fuck themselves (haha! I hope that's what she did) though I never got to see her. Which sucks, cuz I never got her number, and I'll prolly never see her again. Mumbles is currently in hop-sital again, back in good ol’ Unit 32, cuz her heart and her potassium levels are both shite. Big Red, Cute Cate, and Sunny Sienna have all done a bunk too, which leaves only: myself, Day Program, Buchenwald-the-Lifer, Mazda-3, the Beautiful Cutter,Very Tall, and the Only Obese One, who is the new girl.

Though I have just realized, I haven’t actually bothered to introduce you to any of the players in Day Program yet, have I? Prolly cuz, as the title suggests, they are dropping like fucking flies. So why bother, hey?

And guess who might be next on the chopping block?

Your favorite mentaler and mine...ME.

Yup, tomorrow morning is my weigh-in for Week Four, and since I have been struggling for the past week and a half, I have a serious sense of foreboding about this.

I have to gain 1.1 lbs a week to stay in the program. After lunch yesterday, I trotted upstairs to me mum’s room and stepped on the scale (she can’t be arsed to hide it anymore), fully clothed.

It said 132.5 lbs.

Which would mean that I have only gained 0.6 of a pound since last week - and I wasn’t even butt naked, as I will be in the nurse’s office (well, in a paper robe). Which means I prolly haven’t gained that weight at all, it was just the jeans and the belt and the sweater. It is entirely possible, then, that actually, I have lost a bit of weight.

Yes! No! Fuck! ARGH! Shit! Hooray! FUCK! Yay!

Ah well. At least I’m not conflicted about it.

So of course I spent the weekend NOT eating more so I could gain the weight and stay in the program, but instead continuing with my shitty behaviours while trying to come up with an alternative. Rolls of loonies down my panties? Hmmm. Maybe. Rolls of loonies up my shazzer? NO. Okay, okay, what else? Um...ankle weight wrapped around my waist? That would have to be a fat fucking ankle weight, haha! Do you have any better ideas, fuck face? No, I don't. Yeah, I didn’t think you did, so shaddup.

I was sitting at the kitchen table in my parents house this afternoon, eating a plate of steamed veggies and trying to figure out how I could wear 25 pounds of shiny gold bling to program tomorrow, without arousing suspicion that I'd turned to a life of crime. Mum walked in and clocked me brooding, and pounced.

“So? What’s your weight?” she asked casually, pretending she needed to wash her hands in the sink. (I knew better, she was just being nosy concerned).

“132.5,” I mumbled through a mouthful of carrots.

“And? Is that enough to stay in program?” she asked.


“I just finished reading this story by Bryce Courtney,” she said, leaning against the counter, and I thought, What the fuck does that have to do with anything? “It was called The Potato Eaters.”

I am not eating a bunch of fucking potatoes, I thought, eyeing her mutinously. Or if I was, I was just gonna throw ‘em back up again. Which sort of defeated the purpose of anything, here.

“They were trying to smuggle diamonds out of England. So they hid them in the woman.” She gave me a pointed look. “Kage?”

“Huh?” I looked up. I hadn’t been listening. I hate Bryce Courtney books, they're utter dross.

“I said they hid them in the woman,” she repeated.

“Hid what?”

“The diamonds,” she said.

“What diamonds?” I asked.

“The diamonds they were smuggling out of England. They hid them in the woman.”

In the woman?” I repeated. “Where in the woman?”

“In her vagina,” Mum stage-whispered, and I recoiled in horror.

“Ewwww, Mum! You're not supposed to know what a vagina is!” I screamed. Then I was struck with an even more horrible thought, and I stopped short. “Wait a minute. Just what the buggery hell are you suggesting here, anyway?”

“Nothing,” Mum said smoothly, wiping down the counters quickly and efficiently. “Just maybe you should wear lots of extra clothes tomorrow.”

“We get weighed in our pelts, Ma.”

“Oh. Then you should wear really heavy jewelry,” she suggested brightly.

“I don’t think that’s gonna cut it,” I sighed.

“Well,” she tossed the rag into the sink, and wiped her hands on a tea towel. “If this program really means something to you, Kage, you’ll find a way to stay in it.”

And she walked out of the room.

I just sat there, and stared after her, and wondered...

Did me mum just tell me to shove rolls of loonies up my shazzer?!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fighting Jews!

"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions."

~ Hamlet (ah...somewhere at the back)

Ugh. I am not having a very good weekend.

The ‘rents are out of town. That was downfall number one, methinks. Finding that pro Ana site on Thursday night was prolly downfall number two. Her words kept reverberating in my head, the same as mine and Physio's: I don’t want to get better. 

I threw up my food again the next morning, while on break from the hop-sital.

When I got home last night, Friday night, I ate my planned dinner, and put up the good fight of trying to stop eating there. It wasn’t going all that well, so I did my usual trick of lying down on my Old Maid's bed and passing out.

Well! I dunno if it’s cuz I forgot to take my meds at lunch time that day, or if it’s cuz I have been burning the candle at both ends all week, but with no parents around to annoy me, I slept on and off for about 21 hours. I got up around 3 this afternoon, only to binge and purge again.

Fuck! I am supremely annoyed right now. I wish I hadn’t found that pro Ana site, but then that shit is going to happen all the time, there’s nothing I can do about it, I need to learn how to deal with it.

Looks like I haven’t learn SHIT yet, though.

I haven’t called Celia yet. She’s gonna have my ass on a spike.

Actually, I haven’t called anyone yet, in about three days. I didn’t show up at the wildlife reserve today either, or even call to say I wasn’t coming. In my defense, though, I was still sound asleep.

I am regressing. I don’t know why.

I don’t want to be Lindsey-fucking-Lohan anymore, remember?

Um...I don't? 

Er...I can't remember now. You're fucking me up, shut up.

I want to be THIN, I know that much. Remember? Hey? Hey?

I know! I’m trying to figure something out, okay? Shut the fuck UP.

I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I feel like I want my eating disorder back.

THAT can’t be good.

On a cheerier note, I thought I’d share an assignment I had to do at treatment this week. We were supposed to write out a conversation between our mind and our body. There wasn’t much of a format to follow, and the suggested guidelines included stuff like ‘what does your body need from your mind’ and other noxious guff like that, so of course I just ran with it. Thank God we didn't have to read them out loud.

Anyway. Enjoy.

A Dialogue Between My Mind And Body

Mind: Hey
Body: Hey
Mind: ‘Sup?
Body: Nuttin’. You?
Mind: Nuttin’.
Body:So...what you want, then?
Mind: Wanna talk to you.
Body: Bout what?
Mind: What you need from me, Body? You know, to get better?
Body: I dunno. I guess I need you to stop telling me to throw up and do drugs.
Mind: I’ve already done that, Einstein.
Body: Yeah, for ten whole days. Yippee.
Mind: Gotta start somewhere.
Body: True. Just don’t flake out on me again, k?
Mind: K. What else?
Body: Stop telling me I’m ugly.
Mind: But you are ugly.
Body: See?
Mind: What?
Body: You just did it again.
Mind: Did what?
Body: Told me I’m ugly.
Mind: But you are ugly.
Body: Stop that!
Mind: (sighs) Fine. What else?
Body: I need you to let me eat on a regular basis.
Mind: Done and done!
Body: But...
Mind: Ah, here we go with your big butt...
Body: You can’t just tell me to keep eating and eating and eating, cuz you and I both know that eventually, it’s gonna lead back to purging.
Mind: (innocently) Really?
Body: Yes, asshole, really.
Mind: But if I don’t make you purge, you’ll get fat, and I’ll hate you. Well, hate you more.
Body: Actually, if I don’t purge, we’re both gonna get better, and maybe one day we won’t hate each other so much, and I’ll invite you to my daughter’s bat mitzvah.
Mind: Oy vey! You’re Jewish?
Body: Yes.
Mind: So am I!
Both: Mazel tov!
Mind: Dude, I am so sorry, I totally thought you were a gentile, what with your accent and all. Plus, I don’t have any eyes...
Body: Consider it history.
Mind: But I tried to use you to stage a one-man re-enactment of Camp Auschwitz: The Blonder Years.
Body: Yeah, I know. But you thought I was the enemy...
Mind: Indeed, I did.
Body: Well. What do we do now?
Mind: Hmmm. I guess we should prolly find a way to work together. Any ideas?
Body: Um...okay. Firstly, how bout we agree to stop hating each other so much?
Mind: Ah, it’s worth a try.
Body: And maybe we could try fighting together, for the same cause.
Mind: Breast Cancer?
Body: No, Dr. Nobel, saving Kage’s life. How did you ever become the mind, by the way?
Mind: I knew the right people.
Body: Clearly.
Mind: Yeah.
Body: Anyway, we save Kage's life by saving ourselves. My body, your mind, instead of both of us actively working to keep her sick.
Mind. Ugh. That sounds exhausting.
Body: Aren’t you ready for a change?
Mind: No. To change would mean to make an effort.
Body: Dude! If we don’t change? I give us six months, MAX, before we drive this fucking train wreck into the goddamn ground for good.
Mind: You are such a drama queen! You aren’t by chance a Jewish woman, are you?
Body: Actually, I’m a Jewish mother.
Mind: Oy vey! I'll change, I’ll change!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."

~ Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

Ha ha! Sorry about the title of this post (Me? Aggressive? SAY THAT TO MY FUCKING FACE). But, you know how it is....

Actually, with me, you prolly don't.

Anyway, today in hop-sital, we had a little thing called a Community Meeting. This is where all the facilitators of the Eating Disorders Program and all of the patients sit down in the Group Room, and give each other “feedback” about what the other group fucked up over the past week.

Well! Just prior to this morning’s Community Meeting was our Morning Snack. I was the last girl to walk into the kitchen, and as soon as I saw a yogurt sitting at my station on the counter, I turned around and walked right back out again, to grab my Lactaid from my locker. When I had returned and had swallowed the necessary pills, I went and grabbed my snack off the counter.

 Aryan Nation Tiana was waiting for me. “Kage,” she said, in that pseudo-saccharine counselor’s voice of hers. “There are some grapes in your bowl that aren’t looking too good. So there is another bowl right here, if you’d like to pick out the grapes that are inedible, you can exchange them with these ones.”

“Haha! I have to exchange grape for grape?” I snorted.

“Mmmm, mmmm, yes,” Aryan Nation Tiana nodded, therapeutically.

I paused. “Are you serious?”

“Mmmm, mmm hmmmm, yes,” she nodded again, and I turned back to the grapes with a sigh. I couldn’t STAND that pseudo-saccharine counselor’s response to everything anyone says, EVER, and Aryan Nation Tiana was the worst for it. She would say that crap to absolutely anything.

Me: Aryan Nation Tiana, your house is on fire, and your kids are trapped inside!

Aryan Nation Tiana: Mmmm, mmm hmmmmm, yes, thank-you for sharing that with us, Kage. Mmmmm. Very courageous of you, mmm hmmmm.

Anyway. I had to take out all the shitty grapes and replace them with good ones from another bowl. When I was done, I was able to take my grapes, yogurt and Rice Krispie square into the Dining Room, and sit down with everyone else.

To cut a long story short, I couldn’t cram the food down my gob fast enough to be finished before snack time was up, and I think we all know what happens to naughty anorexics who don’t finish their food on time.

Fecking Ensure!.

I saw Aryan Nation Tiana stand and start to walk towards me, and was about to cram the whole Rice Krispie square in my mouth so she couldn’t Ensure! me, but she was too quick.

“Kage,” she said, from the other side of the room. “Put it down.”

 I gave her a ‘what the fuck?’ kind of look, but I hesitated. She gave me a quick smile and said it was okay, just put it down, and I, in my infinite stupidity, put it down.

Now, then. NOW, THEN. When she said it was okay, I got the impression that IT WAS OKAY, that she was acknowledging the fact that I had been late coming into snack cuz I had to do the goddamn currency exchange on my fucking grapes. So instead of cramming the Rice Krispie square in my mouth, I put it down.

Never, EVER trust an Aryan Nation Nutritionist!

She told the new girl and I to stay in our seats while the other patients cleared the room. Then she turned to both of us, and told us that we would be Ensuring!.

“What?” I cried. “What kind of horse shit is that?”

She sat down beside me with a sigh, and I started the great Ensure! Debate of 2010, reasoning that I shouldn’t be served moldy fucking grapes if it was gonna come out of MY alloted eating time to exchange them, and that I shouldn’t have to Ensure!, and...

...and right in the middle of my rambling, she just turned away from me, and started talking to the new girl.

Stunned, I cocked my head to the side, like a puzzled dog. Did that really just happen? I wondered, too amazed to be angry.


I looked at the glass of Ensure!, sitting on the table.You, I thought bitterly. You’ve a nerve, showing your face round here.

I didn’t touch it, though. I waited.

With Aryan Nation Tiana breathing down her neack, the new girl slowly started to sip her Ensure!, so Aryan Nation Tiana turned back to me, and my untouched glass of Ensure!.

“Kage! I can see you’re still struggling,” she said pointedly.

“I wasn’t actually done speaking when you just left there, Tiana,” I snapped.

“Mmmm, mmm hmmmm, yes, well, I have to deal with both of you, don’t I, Kage? It’s not all about you,” she said, just as Lynn, another facilitator, sat down on the other side of the new girl.

“Is it all about me now?” I asked innocently.

She stared at me, hard. “Drink the Ensure!,” she said tightly, a crack finally showing in her pseudo-saccharine demeanor.

“And if I don’t?” I glared at her mutinously.

“Then you’ll be asked to leave the Program,” she said smugly.

Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, I thought, and I grabbed the glass of Ensure! off the table and slammed it back. Then I scraped my chair back and walked away, leaving my dishes and unfinished food for Aryan Nation Tiana to clean up.

And it was in this chipper state of mind that I entered into the aforementioned Community Meeting! Hooray!

I’m sorry, what’s that, Head Counselor Lisa? What do I think about the facilitators, and how well they are doing their jobs?

We-he-he-hell! Where shall I BEGIN?

And so, I ripped into them. I suggested that perhaps vegetarian clients should be served VEGETARIAN FOOD, NOT PIG, and that perhaps they could NOT serve us moldy food - or, barring something quite so extreme, they shouldn’t penalize US for the time wasted having to pick out the moldy grapes and replace them, one by one. And when Mumbles brought up the small matter of their misleading us about our goal weights, telling us one number to get us in here and then changing it once we were in, I wholeheartedly backed her up, saying that I didn’t appreciate being duped into joining this Program, either.

Well. As it turns out, my anger was not as well concealed as I thought. (Which was, admittedly, not at all). Once all was revealed, from myself and others, we were silently dismissed for lunch, and the facilitators closed the door behind us.


After lunch, all the patients were rounded up again, and made to participate in something called a 'Fishbowl'. Basically, we switched roles with the facilitators, and we sat behind the two-way mirror, and listened in on their staff meeting, while they addressed the events of that morning.

Specifically, the bullying that they had endured!

I rolled my eyes from behind the two-way glass. Here we go, thought I.

They complained about all of us, but I was the only girl to be mentioned by name.

“It was just like, is it my fault that your pizza had meat on it?” (one of them) said. “And we are only human, after all. They can’t cut us a little bit of slack?”

Nods of agreement all around. Then, in a totally orchestrated jump to my defense, Aryan Nation Tiana jumped to my defense!

“Mmm, mmm hmmm, I have to say that I must commend Kage on her courage in this situation,” she said, nodding sagely. “To resist the temptation to purge under such difficult circumstances is truly a testament to her strength of character.”

Did I buy tickets to this play? I wondered. It BLOWS.

We had to endure another ten minutes of this crap, before they had us all switch, and we had to sit in the Group room, while the facilitators sat behind the glass and listened to us.

Right off the bat, Manic Butterfly picked the meeting up and ran away with it, saying that the facilitators were speaking specifically about her, that she was such a burden to everyone and she should just leave, no one would care if she died right now, etc, etc. Any chance at a productive meeting died a slow, painful death right in front of us. No one could get a word in edgewise, least of all me, whom I actually think they really were referring to in their meeting.

I managed to wrestle the last 30 seconds of the meeting away from Manic Butterfly, and said as quickly and as loudly as I could for the mic to pick up, ”I apologize for being aggressive this morning. For being the other aggressive person this morning,” I amended hastily, as Manic Butterfly opened her mouth to protest that actually, they meant her. “I was angry at Aryan Nation Tiana for Ensuring! me, then you asked me what I thought and it all just came out. However, if I may just point out, you keep telling us not to hold stuff in, not to let it sit and fester, to express ourselves, our anger and our frustration. So I am a little confused to why we have all been brought in here to be reprimanded for speaking our minds this morning. Anyway, thanks for coming out everyone, please tip your waitress. Good night!”

I had more, A LOT more, to say, but the time was up, and the meeting was over. Grrrrr! I had so many scathing points to make, too. Damn you, Manic Butterfly!

It didn’t occur to me until almost bed time tonight that hey, wait a tic - my actions today had actually been the very opposite of what I was supposed to be working on, which was to stop fighting the Program every goddamn step of the way. This afternoon, I not only fought the Program, I threw a drink in it’s face, then slept with it’s wife. And then I set it’s house on fire.

And now I am left to wonder, once again - why must I always fight the process? Why can’t I just accept the fucking help and get better?

Victoria Beckham & Nicole Richie Have Battled Anorexia

Nicole Richie and Victoria Beckham are well-known faces in the battle against anorexia. (Um...if they're winning the battle, who's losing?)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Queen Of Isolation? Or Do I Just Not Like You? (um...not you.)

"Damn atheists! It makes me wonder how a God could exist who'd allow people to piss me off so much."

~ Stephen Colbert


Ugh. That’s what I am supposed to be looking at this week, according to Celia. Well, according to everyone who has ever met me, really, but Celia’s the only one I’ll actually listen to.

I told her about the girls in the Eating Disorders Program ganging up on me last week, demanding to know the reasons why I preferred to be left alone than to spend time with people, why I felt uncomfortable around any and all people, why I thought it wasn’t worth the effort to have any friends. At the time, I had told all the girls to fuck off and leave me alone, but later on, when I was feeling less defensive and more willing to look at what they said to me, I realized they may have been onto something.

So I brought it to Celia, when we met up at her place last night. (Isn’t it funny that I trust my AA sponsor more than I trust any of the counselors at the hop-sital? Like, what’s up with that?) And, being the wretched, horrible, helping person that she is, Celia said they were right.

Which means they prolly were right. Fuck!

I argued (of course I did) that I needed my time alone, that I wasn’t isolating when I spent time alone, it was just that all the things I enjoyed doing were solo pursuits - reading, writing, listening to music, chilling with my dogs, etc.

“So you see, I am not isolating,” I said regally. “I am simply an intellectual who needs her time alone to pursue her artistic crafts.”

“Horse shit,” she proclaimed, and my shoulders drooped.

Okay, then. Think of something else, Kage, quick.

“What I meant to say was...”I began, but she cut me off.

“Cram it, Kage,” she said. “I know you like to have your alone time, we all do. But the girls at your program are right. You’re acting out your old behaviors, which were to isolate and push everyone away.”

“Yeah, but I just want to read and write!” I cried. “I just like to spend time alone. Why is that so fucking wrong? I’m not isolating so I can do drugs, or sneak booze, or cram food in my face. I just want to arse around on people’s blogs, and do some writing, and keep Mr. Reznor (my iPod) strapped in for a few hours. I just think that it’s a better way to spend my time than, say, doing something with another person. Why is that so fucking wrong all of a sudden?!”

“Because it’s your old behaviors, Kage,” she said earnestly, and I groaned with frustration. “No, shut up and listen for a minute. When you were using, you used to isolate a lot, didn’t you? Didn’t you?” she repeated, when I didn’t answer.

“Yes,” I mumbled reluctantly.

“So it is an old behavior. And look where all your old behaviors have gotten you, Kage. They made you so very, very sick. So if you wanna get better, you gotta change all the old behaviors, right?”

I grunted noncommittally.

“You are still isolating to push everyone away, Kage,” she continued. “You don’t want to get hurt, you don’t want anyone calling you on your shit, and you don’t like it when someone challenges the way you do or see things, do you?”

“Ha ha! No,” I admitted. That usually ended in someone getting hurt. I’m not saying who. But it wasn't me.

“Right, cuz then you might have to look at yourself, and look at the way you do things, and you might have to change things, and do them a different way. And you don’t like that.”

“Duh,” I agreed.

Why is she always right? I wondered irritably. It's so fucking annoying.

“So, there you go,” she smiled. “Now you know what you need to work on this week, right?”

“Um...” I looked up at the wall thoughtfully, trailing off.

She sighed the sigh of the long suffering. “Look at your propensity to isolate. Listen when the girls call you out on your shit. Try doing things a different way.”

“Yes, right, I was just about to say all of that,” I beamed at her.

She grinned. “Kagie, you are a precious, cherished child of God, and I love you."

I dipped my head bashfully. "I know."

"Good. Now get the hell out of my house.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010

We Got The ILL Communication

Remember this picture! And not just because it gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling. 

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd take it from you."

~ Sol Butcher
(I know this quote is a repeat, but I loved it so nice, I used it twice.)


Hot on the heels of yesterday's accidental pork consuming incident, it would appear that the Eating Disorder facilitators here in hop-sital would like to see what happens when they push me even further.

Weeks ago, when I agreed to do this fucking Day Program, it was because they told me my goal weight was 130 lbs. That was the lower end of my healthy weight range, but it was still within my healthy weight range, and that was all I fucking agreed to.

When I met with Asian Persuasion Tiana last week (there is also an Aryan Nation Tiana, formerly Blonde Nutritionist - apparently the only prerequisite to be a nutritionist at this hop-sital is to be named Tiana) for my nutritional counseling session before starting Day Program, we had this very discussion, where I confirmed with her that once I reached my goal weight of 130 lbs, I was no longer obligated to continue gaining weight.

“I’m not sure if 130 lbs is your goal weight, Kage,” she said, somewhat evasively, shuffling through her papers.

“Oh ho ho HO, I’M sure,” I said firmly. She wasn't gonna weasel her nutritional way out of this one. “Ask Head Nurse. She’s the one who told me that number. 130 lbs.”

Suddenly, a nasty thought occurred to me, and I sensed that something was rotten in Denmark.

“You guys can’t change that number after I get here, right?” I asked suspiciously. “Like, you can’t get me to agree to 130 lbs, but once I’m here, make it something higher, right? Cuz that would not be cool. I don’t want to be duped into coming into this program.”

“You’re not being duped, Kage,” Asian Persuasion Tiana said, somewhat miffed.

“Okay, so just to confirm, once I reach my goal weight of 130 lbs, I am not obligated to gain anymore weight, right?”

“That’s right,” she confirmed. “You just can’t lose any weight, you have to maintain 130 or above.”

“Okay,” I blew the air out of my mouth, and let my shoulders relax. 130 lbs was gonna be hard enough.

We-he-he-hell! Guess what? Just fucking GUESS.

Remember how my case manager, Kiki, asked me yesterday, “Who told you that you didn’t have to gain after 130 lbs? Did Tiana tell you that?” Well, Kiki apparently gave Asian Persuasion Tiana shit for telling me that, who in turn called me into the Group Room tonight to give ME shit for it, back pedaling and telling me that there must have been a ‘miscommunication’.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked her, after she told me in no way had she meant that once I reached 130 lbs, was I no longer obligated to gain anymore weight. “That’s exactly what you told me!”

“You must have misunderstood me, Kage,” she began, but I swiftly cut her off.

“Don’t give me that shit! I even predicted this fucking scenario, didn’t I? I asked if you were going to change my goal weight after I got here, didn't I, Tiana? And I said I didn’t want to be fucking duped into coming here, agreeing to one number, then having that yanked out from under me once I got here. Do you remember that? When I told you I didn’t want to be tricked into coming here, Tiana?”

Asian Persuasion Tianna just sighed. “I’m sorry if you misunderstood me, Kage. But you have to gain half a kilo a week for the next twelve weeks, if you want to stay in Day Program. End of story.”

I sat there for a minute, staring at the floor, fuming. I fucking knew this was going to happen! Goddamn Tianas! But what could I do? I needed their help, or I would end up starving myself to death. That, or puke my way into cardiac arrest, and die on a bathroom floor.

Whichever was more glamorous, really.

 “Fine,” I sighed, and stood up to leave.

“Fine?” she repeated.

I smirked down at her. “It’s not like I have a fucking choice, now do I?”

She conceded with a tilt of her head. “No.”

I walked out of the room.

“Have a nice weekend, Kage!” She called after me.

Fuck You, Tiana, I thought miserably. I don’t want to do this shit anymore.

Ugh. It's time to go to my AA meeting at the other hop-sital, though all I wanna do right now is go home and go to bed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hey Pig

This picture will make A LOT more sense when you read the blog entry.

"All dogs go to heaven? Sorry, kids. It's only the dogs who've accepted Christ."

~ Stephen Colbert

8:30 pm

Ugh. Another day in treatment.


It didn’t start out too badly. Turns out, Wednesdays we have two two-hour breaks as well - and today my parents decided that they would rather just pay for a parking pass than cart my sorry ass back and forth to hop-sital three times a day. Which is fucking AWESOME, cuz now I can come and go as I please. Hooray!

Breakfast was fine, lunch was fine, then things started to turn to shit in the afternoon, round about Snack time.

The patient that I shall call Manic Butterfly (because her moods are all over the goddamn place) was feeling particularly cheerful at that exact point in time, or on a manic high, as she liked to term it. All seven patients were sitting around the Dining Room table, (reluctantly) eating our snacks, under the watchful eye of Aryan Nation Tiana (formerly Blonde Nutritionist). As Manic Butterfly was the first to finish her snack, she got up and went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea for the group.

When she came back out again, she was giggling. “Shhhh,” she stage-whispered to the group as she distributed teacups and spoons. “I swear I didn’t accidentally put in three tea bags, instead of two!”

There were a few ‘hoorays’ and ‘right ons’ from around the table, as Manic Butterfly poured everyone’s tea.

“Yup, total accident,” she giggled. “I don’t know how it happened.”

When she was finishing serving the girls, she came back to her spot at the table, and started to pour her own tea.

“Besides,” she went on. “It doesn’t say anywhere in the rule book that you’re only allowed to use two tea bags, not three.” She laughed gaily.

“That’s true,” Cute Cate agreed from across the table, and that’s when Aryan Nation Tiana stepped in.

“Alright, that’s enough,” she said. “If there’s something that needs to be addressed at the next community meeting, then we will address in then. But this is not an appropriate time to discuss it.”

We all stared up at her, dumbfounded.

Bitch, are you for real? I thought. They were just goofing around.

“Well, thanks, there goes my manic high,” Butterfly said, and, true to her word, slipped into one of her black moods again.

Strike two, Blonde Nutritionist, thought I.

We were just finishing up from snack when Kiki, my case manager, showed up, looking for me.

“Kage! Can I steal you for half an hour?” she poked her head into the kitchen.

“Um? No,” I said, with a polite smile. “It’s break time. Me mum’s downstairs.”

“Oh,” she said, and pouted. “Well, how bout for twenty minutes, then?”

“What? No,” I said. “I just said me mum's down-”

“Can you call your mum, and ask her to wait?” she asked, in a voice that clearly implied that actually, I didn’t have any choice.

I sighed. How hard would it have been to tell me this fifteen minutes ago, before me mum left the house to pick me up? I know Kiki was here then, I saw her arsing around in the halls.

So I called me mum, but turns out that she had sent Dad over to hop-sital to pick me up. Even worse! Dad’s time is like gold dust right now, sparse, valuable, and impossible to get your hands on. I reluctantly asked Mum to tell Dad I would be twenty minutes late. Ugh.

I was a wee bit cranky as I followed Kiki into her office for my mini Check-In session.

She started to ask the standard questions, how was I fitting in, how was I finding the first few days, etc, etc, but I cut her off at the pass.

“So, here’s what I was thinking,” I said, looking pointedly at my wrist, pretending I had a watch. “I’d like to be considered for the Weight Maintenance Program, instead of Weight Restoration. When I weighed in on Monday, I was only five pounds below my goal weight. And with all the crap you guys are feeding me, I bet you anything that if you were to weigh me tomorrow, I would already be 130 lbs. So, since I’m only a couple of days behind schedule, I think I should only have to do the eight week program in hop-sital, instead of the twelve.”

Kiki opened her mouth, and closed it again. “Oh,” she said after a moment.

“Yeah,” I cocked my head to the side in commiseration.

We quibbled. We quabbled. We bantered back and forth. But of course, despite the incredibly cogent, eloquent, fully fact-supported argument I presented, her answer was a big fat NO.

She thought I was still trying to get out of gaining the weight.

“What?” I said, confused. “I’m prolly already at 130. I don’t have to gain anymore now, anyway.”

“What do you mean, you don’t have to gain anymore now?” she asked.

“Uh, cuz that’s my goal weight?” I said, slowly articulating each word. “So I don’t have to gain anymore weight?”

“Who told you that?” she asked. “Did Tiana tell you that?”

“Damn right she did,” I said hotly. “Head Nurse told me my goal weight, and Asian Persuasion Tiana said that once I reach it, I am only required to maintain it; I am not required to gain any more weight to stay in the program.”

At that point, I actually thought I might have had her swayed. She suddenly stopped talking and just sat and stared at the wall for, like, two whole minutes, I swear. Then she looked up at me and said sharply, “Do you menstruate?”

“No, I have an IUD,” I shrugged innocently. Can’t gage my healthy weight that way, ha ha! I thought.

She looked all pensive and thinky again.

“Does that mean you’re reconsidering switching me to the eight week program?” I asked hopefully.

She looked up at me, considering me for a moment. “No.”

My shoulders drooped. God fuck it! Nazi.

“Well, then,” I said, and checked my imaginary watch again. “I think I’ll go and meet my Dad now.”

Argh, the worst of today's events is still to come, but I really need to get to some sleep, and recover from tonight. Suffice it to say, what happened this evening almost made me puke in front of a facilitator, had Dr.Cram-It-In called to do a suicide check on me, and almost had me walking out of hop-sital for good.

12:15 am

Okay, so of course I can’t fecking sleep. God. I am just not winning today. But I guess you are, cuz I'll just keep writing, and finish the fecking story. Hooray! (for you. I'm going nuts.)

So. Tonight was Pizza Night in the Eating Disorders Program. As you may recall, already a major source of stress for me. I didn’t want to eat pizza, with all the cheese and grease and delicious-but-completely-useless fat and calories. I love the taste of pizza, but I hate it’s nutritional value. Pizza is about as useful to me as a condom machine is in the office of the Vatican.

I walked into the Kitchen and peeked under my blue plate cover, and was surprised to discover that it wasn’t slices of pizza from some local slinger, like I had expected. Rather, it was those little personal sized cheese pizzas. There was a pie and a half waiting under my plate cover for me. I quickly replaced the lid, and took a deep breath. Okay. It was better than slices from a local joint. I could do this.

I carried my plates into the Dining Room and sat down at the table, and slowly ate my salad, ambivalent about starting my cheese pizza. Part of me couldn’t wait to taste that delicious greasy cheese; the other part did NOT want that SHIT it my body.

I finished my salad, and finally reached out and removed the plastic plate cover, but the pizzas had grown cold.

“Can I warm these up?” I asked Preity, the facilitator that was sitting beside me.

“Sure, yes,” she said, in her light Hindi accent.

I got up and went into the Kitchen and zapped my plate, then returned to my place at the table, and slowly began to eat. 

I tackled the half-pizza first. I cut it into small squares, and carefully chewed each piece before I swallowed it, noticing that while it was definitely delicious, it wasn’t all that delicious.

It wasn’t until I was taking my last few bites of the half-pizza that I stopped and pulled something out of my mouth.

“Oh my God,” I said, examining what was in my fingers. “That’s not meat, is it?” I held up my hand for Preity to see.

“I don’t know,” she said, and looked at me hand. “It looks like it.”

Physio, sitting to my right, looked up from her pizza. “Yeah, it is,” she said. “It’s pepperoni.”

I froze, with a mouthful of DEAD FUCKING PIG still in my mouth. Then I scraped back my chair and ran out of the Dining Room, and into the Kitchen.

“Kage, no!” Preity called after me.

I ran up to the garbage can, and spat out the mouthful of pizza, then slammed the door open and walked out. I didn’t know where to go or what I wanted to do, but I headed towards the bathroom.

I was crying by the time I got there. I just ate a fucking pig, I thought, as the tears streamed down my face. I just ate Omar. I just ate one of my pets. It’s in my stomach right now.

“Kage,” Preity rushed into the bathroom after me. “Don’t do it. Don’t purge.”

“Preity! How can you ask me that?” I cried. “There’s a fucking PIG in my body!” I backed up against the tiled wall, and sank down onto the floor.

I dropped my head onto my knees and bawled. I could hear Preity, calling down the hallway, trying to get help but refusing to leave me in the bathroom alone.

Eventually she recruited one of the nutritionists that I like, Shannon, who went into the dining room to get my plate and check my pizza. She brought it back to the hallway outside the bathroom and confirmed that there was indeed pepperoni on my pizza.

“I want it out of me,” I groaned. “This is not fucking fair! I did not sign up for this! These are NOT the conditions under which I agreed to stop purging.”

“I understand that, Kage,” Shannon said soothingly from outside the bathroom door. “But there is never an acceptable reason to purge here in Program. If you do it, you’ll be asked to leave.”

“But it’s your fault!” I screamed at them, pounding my fist into my thigh. “It’s your fault that it’s in my body, and I want it out!”

They looked at each other, then back at me, saying nothing. I curled back into myself on the floor and sobbed.

Eventually, Shannon spoke again.

“Kage, you have to eat something for dinner,” she said awkwardly, and I snorted with derision through my runny snot. “Would you like a cheese pizza?”

Gee! Let me think.

“Or a sandwich? Or the vegetarian lasagna from yesterday?”

“I’m not really hungry right now,” I muttered from under my crossed arms.

I could almost sense the exchanged look between them.

“If you don’t eat something for dinner, Kage, you’ll have to Ensure!,” Shannon said uncomfortably.

My head snapped up. “What?” I said. “WHAT?”

“It’s the rules of the Program,” she said apologetically. “You have to eat something for dinner. It’s either food, or it’s Ensure!.”

“Jesus Christ,” I moaned, and dropped my head back down on my knees. 

They stood there and let me cry for a few more minutes, then Preity came into the bathroom, and gently took me by the arm.

“Come on, Kagie,” she said, and pulled me up off the bathroom floor. “Let’s go sit down in the Group room for a few minutes. It’s better than sitting in here, isn’t it?”

I let her lead me down the hall, and into the Group room.

“Now, Kagie,” she said in her Hindi accent. “I’m sorry to have to push you like this, but you do have to make a choice. Are you going to eat some food, or are you going to Ensure!?”

I sighed, trying to think of what to do. I didn't want to fecking Ensure!, I had promised myself I would not Ensure! while in the Program, especially not on pizza night. “I’ll eat something. Something vegetarian.”

“Good for you,” Preity said, and patted my arm. “Now, are you alright to stay here on your own for a moment, while I go to the kitchen and get them to prepare you some food?”

“Yes,” I mumbled, the tears still slipping down my cheeks.

“Okay. I’ll be right back,” she said, and got up to leave the room. She closed the door gently behind her, and I was left alone to sob out my misery once again.

I wanted to purge so badly. It had never felt more justified to do so, ever. EVER. But I didn’t want to get kicked out of Program. I really wanted, and really needed, their help, or I was never going to get better. I would just keep going the way I had been going, until all of my teeth fell out and my esophagus was completely burned away, and I just shot myself in the face.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t purge. Not right there, in hop-sital with the facilitators around, and not at home, either, even though the rules didn’t apply once I left hop-sital grounds.

Because even if the hop-sital's No Purging rule didn't apply when we were at home, Celia’s Rules of Recovery did. If I purged, even for something as fucking justified as this, I would lose her as my sponsor.

And I couldn’t allow that to happen. I had to sit there, and leave A Dead Pet Pig in my stomach.

The door to the Group room opened again, and Preity came back in.

“Okay, Kage,” she said, and something in her demeanor made my hackles rise. I knew immediately that once again, something was rotten in Denmark. “I just talked to Jennifer, and she said that because there is only five minutes left until Group therapy, you don’t have time to eat any dinner. You’ll have to drink the Ensure!.”

“What?” I cried. “Are you serious? That’s not fair, it’s not my fault that I wasn’t able to eat my dinner with everyone else!”

“I’m sorry, Kagie, but that is what Jennifer said are the Program rules,” Preity said, wringing her hands anxiously.

Poor Preity, I thought suddenly, and felt a pang of guilt. She was so lovely, and none of this was her fault. I shouldn’t be such a douchebag towards her.

Jennifer, on the other fucking hand...but I would deal with her in a minute.

“Preity,” I said hoarsely, “It's okay. I'll go with you, I'll drink the Ensure! for you. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m sorry I got mad at you, I was just so upset about the pig-”

“It’s okay, Kagie,” she said, shushing me and taking me arm to guide me out of the Group room. “I’m so proud of you for not purging. I could see how hard you were fighting it.”

I was amazed to see her well up, and brush away a few tears.

Wow, I thought, and stared at her. Is it cuz she’s Hindu or something? Are they prone to misguidedly giving a shit about their fellow man? Why is she getting so emotional? She barely even knows me.

Preity brought me back to the dining room, where I was actually handed back to Shannon again, not Jennifer (you’re lucky, Jennifer). Sitting on the dining room table beside Shannon were two glasses of Ensure!.

“Two glasses?” I asked wearily, as I sat down.

“It’s one full bottle,” she explained gently.

I could hear Jennifer bossing the girls about in the kitchen, and suddenly I decided that I had put up with enough shit for one day. This was getting to be ri-goddamn-diculous.

“Okay! That’s it, I am not drinking the Ensure!. I didn’t screw up the meal, you guys did. I kept up my end of the bargain by not throwing up the dead animal carcass that I unknowingly consumed after 19 years of abstinence, but this is too much. It was your mistake! I will not drink the fecking Ensure! when I haven’t done anything wrong! Even after what happened, I was willing to eat food. I think it’s professionally remiss of Jennifer to take that away from me and force me to Ensure! when I am willing to eat FOOD, after everything that's happened. I promised myself I would never Ensure! while I was in hop-sital, and I'm not gonna break that promise for her. I'm sorry, Shannon, but I won’t do it.”

“Okay, Kagie,” Shannon shushed me. “Okay. Calm down, honey. Let me see what I can do, okay? Just stay here.”

She got up and left the dining room, closing the double doors to the kitchen behind her. I let my head fall onto the table in front of me with a loud thunk.

Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me? I pleaded with the universe.

The kitchen doors opened again a few minutes later, and Shannon reappeared - bearing an egg salad sandwich on brown bread.

“Oh, God, thank-you,” I whimpered. “Thank-you, Shannon.”

“You’re welcome, Kage,” Sharon smiled, and sat down beside me to watch me eat.

I couldn't help but smirk at the irony of my own drama, as Shannon must have seen it - Kage wouldn't eat a pig, but she had no problem consuming hard-boiled chicken ovulations? - but I shut my mouth (or opened it, I guess) and started forcing the sandwich down.

I had only taken a few bites when the door to the Dining Room opened behind me, and I looked up to see the rare form of a man in our estrogen-soaked midst!

“Dr. Cram-It-In,” I said, wiping my mouth with my fingers. “What might you be doing here?”

“Maybe he heard that something was going on,” Shannon suggested brightly.

“Well, of course he did," I rolled my eyes. "Why else would he be here?"

Dr. Cram-It-In came and sat down beside me. “So, Kage. Tell me what happened.”

I smirked. “Like you don’t already know?”

He smiled. “I’d like to hear it from you.”

I put my sandwich down, and quickly reviewed the Sequence of Events, According to Kage (ie: full of swear words).

When I was done, he made no move to get up. My eyes narrowed, and I looked him up and down.

“Why exactly are you here?” I asked him suspiciously.

“Well, I get called in when we need to ensure (haha! ensure) someone’s safety,” he said calmly.

“Safety,” I echoed with another smirk. “And does ‘safety’ mean ‘throwing up my food’? Or by ‘safety’ do you mean ‘shooting myself in the face’?”

“Well, I hope you don’t shoot yourself in the face!” he said cheerfully, and he and Shannon laughed gaily.

“Mmmm, yes, hilarious,” I muttered. “What I'm asking is, are you...are you here to make sure I’m not...suicidal?”

He paused. “That is generally what I get called in for, yes,” he said.

“Oh my God,” I groaned. “I am not suicidal! I’m angry that you guys made me eat a fucking pig! But I’m not going to shoot myself in the face over it, for smeg’s sake.”

“Okay, well, that’s good, that’s all I needed to hear,” he said, and he stood up to leave - fait accompli, my job is done. This girl is healed!

“Lovely to see you again, Doc,” I called over my shoulder, and turned back to my sandwich. Good job.

When I finished my substitute meal, I thought they were going to make me go to the Therapy Group that was already well under way, but I was wrong. As a consolation prize, I got to skip Evening Group! Instead, I got to call my Dad, and go home a whole twenty minutes early.

Which made it all kinda worth it, really.

Bis bald!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hey, Can You Watch My Inner Child This Weekend?

"Disney has a rigid dress code. Which kinda makes you wonder how Winnie the Pooh managed to slip through without pants."

~ Stephen Colbert   

8:00 pm

Ugh. Quite the day in Psychotherapy.

I dunno if I even want to write about it. Which means I prolly should.

Basically, I just said that I didn’t want to talk about my fucking childhood anymore, why I’m fucked up, the things that happened to me, etc, that I have been to treatment and watched people cry and blub and find their inner fucking child, but in the end it didn’t affect a goddamn thing, and they still went out and used. So why bother? Quit wasting my time. I’m here to learn how to stop trying to kill myself. TELL ME HOW TO STOP TRYING TO KILL MYSELF.

The other girls jumped all over that, and of course I got defensive, and basically told them all to fuck off and leave me alone. Which I later apologized for. It was just so overwhelming, seven other anorexics and two facilitators all coming at me at once, every one of them emotionally charged and determined to change my point of view. So of course, at that time, my walls went up and I couldn’t process anything they said - I just wanted them to leave me alone. THEY started this fucking conversation! I kept thinking.

But after the Group was finished, and for the rest of the afternoon, I felt ill at ease. I tried to appease myself with the thought that oh well, at least I had pushed them all away, and now they really would leave me alone, but it only brought me temporary satisfaction. Then I would just slip back into feeling troubled.

What’s your fucking problem? I wondered, irritated.

And then it struck me. What if...what if when I was slagging off people for crying and blubbing about their problems and their rotten childhoods, the other girls thought I was talking about them? That I was making a direct reference to them, and to the emotions that had been brought up in Groups that day, and to the subsequent tears that had come with them - and not to whom I was really referring to?

Ah, FUCK! What the fucking fuck have I fucking done now?! I thought in a panic.

That wasn’t what I meant at all, I didn’t mean THEM. I was thinking about someone else entirely when I said that shit. I realized that yes, I knew whom I meant when I said it - but the other girls didn’t. Fuck!

Oh God. I was gonna throw up. I didn’t mean that! What if someone totally shut down today, refused to talk, refused to participate or get help, all because I said crying in Group Psychotherapy was fucking stupid? Not that I think my opinion is so all powerful, but I have certainly been influenced by other people’s shitty attitudes in Group. What if the tables had turned, and I WAS THE ASSHOLE?

I had to find a way to make it right.

After Dinner, we all met up in the Group Room again, for the last group of the day. When it was my turn to talk, I just started...well, blubbing.

“What I said earlier today...I think it may have come out wrong...I hope no one thought I was inferring that anyone in this know, when I talked about the crying about your childhood...I was making reference to someone in particular from my own life...I didn’t mean you guys...I’m sorry, I got all defensive...”

Ha! Wouldn’t you know it, they accepted my apology, but turns out that no one had really worried about it all goddamn day but ME.


Nothing else of note really happened today. On Tuesdays at Day Program (I wanna call it DP, but I'm sure you can see why I don't [if you can't, you need to watch more porn, DP stands for Double Penetration]), we get two two-hour breaks during the day. Wikked. I used my first break to head down to Strange World Tattoos to see Mike. I spoke to him for a few minutes, he’s supposed to have a drawing ready for Thursday.

They really need a receptionist there. When I walked in, all four chairs had people laid out on them, getting tattooed. No one was behind the desk, no one greeted me when I came in. I stood awkwardly by myself for a minute, humming and ha-ing, then went over to the counter and started flipping through the books. I didn’t know what else to do with myself. A moment later, some other chick came through the front door and talked to Mike from the counter about her own tattoo. When she was done, he finally got up to see me.

But then he had to help the lady behind me, too, cuz he was behind the counter - which left his client lying there, not being tattooed.

I wish I could be their receptionist. Then I could have a straight job without having to take out any of my piercings. Ha ha! Though of course, I would be covered head-to-toe in tattoos before you could say, “You’re gainfully employed?”. So maybe that’s not the best idea.

Oh, and did ya hear? Germany just mailed out their last reparation payment for World War One! Though, as Stephen Colbert was quick to point out, there was that brief hiatus in the 1940s, when Hitler insisted that any and all mail to France or Belgium should be hand-delivered.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Zu Befehl, Mein Fuehrer!

Do unto others
What has been done to you

~ Maynard James Keenan

11:00 am

I am sitting in the common area of the eating disorders clinic, at the children’s hop-sital. Tis my first day of Day Program. The time is 11:02 am. Here is what I have done so far:

8:33 am: Showed up three minutes late. Was greeted at front desk by Mumbles! She was assigned as  Buddy for myself and the other new girl, Very Tall. Mumbles has lost a SHIT load of weight since she left Blah Blah Hop-sital two weeks ago.

8:45 am: After a brief tour of the facilities, Mumbles brought Very Tall and I into the common area to wait for our weigh in, where we met the other girls in the program. Only one girl here can be named after a concentration camp; everyone else is of a normal weight.

9:05 am:  Disrobed for weigh-in in the Nurse’s orifice. While waiting in my blue paper robe, considered hopping on the scale and discovering my weight on my own, in case they tried to hide it from me. Then decided, ah fuck it. I was gonna tell them straight up, just show it to me, cuz I’ll just check it on my own anyway.

9:10 am: Did my weigh-in, with Green Nurse and Random Nursing Student. Green Nurse ‘encouraged’ me to step on the scale backwards, but said that, as I was an adult, the choice was up to me. I stepped on the scale, facing forwards. 56.7 kgs. As soon as they left, I whipped out Mr. Reznor and used the calculator to convert it into pounds. 124.75. I was five pounds away from my goal weight. Yes! And oh, fuck, no!

9:20 am: Everyone gathered in the Group Room for...well, Group. We all had to confess to our sins of the weekend, and what our attitudes for the coming week were going to be. I was honest, said my weekend sucked, Dick-Nuts-The-Eating-Disorder ran the fucking show once again, and that my attitude this week was that I wanted to kill him.

10:00 am: Released from Group, for a ten minute break before Morning Snack. Perused a few blogs while I waited, then followed the rest of the girls into the kitchen, only to discover that there was no snack for lil ‘ol me. One was hastily rustled up, and I sat at the table in the Dining Room to chow down.

10:15 am: Blond Nutritionist admonished me for mixing my Rice Krispie square into my butterscotch pudding. Said it wasn’t ‘normalized eating’ and forbade me from ever doing it again, even after I told her I was allowed to do it in hop-sital. Strike one, Blond Nutritionist, observed I.

10:30 am: Released from the Dining Room, we had an hour and fifty minutes to do whatever the hell we wanted - including leaving hop-sital! Who knew?!

Same thing applies for tomorrow morning, which is bloody fantastic, cuz I need to go and see Mike at Strange World so we can draw out my tattoo for Friday, and was stressing out about how I was going to make it happen. I asked one of the nurses, Greenie, about it this morning, not telling her exactly why I needed to leave tomorrow, just saying I had a VERY important consultation that I had to go to that I couldn’t miss it, when might I be permitted to leave the unit? She asked what it was, again I just said it was an important consultation, she made it sound like if I asked the right people, then maybe I could - and then I found out that I can just leave during break! Ha ha! YES! And my intuition about booking this Friday was right, we are off from hop-sital on Friday, so the time that I booked is perfect.

Now, about yesterday. I had a good day out at the wildlife reserve, walking the dogs and feeding the bears, pretty much the same as the day before, EXCEPT - oh, except - turns out me mum, who apparently had no qualms telling the neighbors about her daughter’s anorexia, also told the kennel owner about it. Why?! And for some reason, Mike decided to ask me all about it in front of the other volunteers yesterday, while we were all sitting around in the orifice.

He didn’t tiptoe around the shit, either.

We were discussing why I hadn’t brought Buchenwald-the-Lifer with my to the grounds that day, as I had thought I was going to. (I offered to be her guardian when she has passes on Sundays, as she is underage. She asked me to take her this Sunday, but then a family friend decided to come down and take care of her instead).

“So, you used to throw up your food too, right?” he asked me, in front of everyone.

Jesus Fuck! I thought, and tried to steer the conversation elsewhere, but he didn’t get the hint.

“Was it a nervous disorder? Like, was it involuntary?” he continued.

I don’t want to talk about this! I wanted to scream, but I didn’t want to embarrass him, so I just shrugged.

“No, I just stopped eating, so they put me in the hop-sital,” I said lamely. Then I claimed a desperate need for the loo, jumped up and left the room.

Later in the afternoon, as I was eating my snack of trail mix and a butterscotch pudding, Mike remarked on how good it looked, on how lucky I was! Then he looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to come up with the right reply.

“Mmmmmm,” I said uncertainly, and smacked my lips loudly. "Yummy."

“Emmy’s just the opposite of you, she loves food,” he gestured to Emmy, and I inwardly cringed on her behalf. “Isn’t that right Emmy? You once told me that if you didn’t have to stop, you would just eat all day long!”

Ha ha! Me too, I thought, but decided to keep that to myself. Better not give the man anymore fucking ammo.

Emmy smiled gracefully and shrugged. “Yeah, that’s true,” she grinned. I couldn't help but admire the way she handled herself. I would have kicked him in the nuts.

Anyway, other than those few moments of (supreme) discomfort, Billy and I had another good day out on the wildlife reserve.

At the end of the day, it was time to do what I had been dreading all weekend.

It was time to go see Celia, my sponsor.


Oooh, Lunch...

7:30 pm

So anyway, I didn’t want to go to see Celia. I would have bailed, too, if I hadn’t blocked myself in by calling her on my way out to the wildlife center and confirming a time, for when I was done volunteering at the wildlife center.

I didn’t want to go, cuz she had called me on my shit a few days ago, and she was gonna do it again. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!

I had told her that the eating disorder was back, that Dick Nuts was once again running the Rage Kage Variety Show, that I didn’t know what had happened or what I should do.

Unlike everybody else in my life, who had expressed sympathy for my plight, and who had encouraged me to keep trying, and who had reminded me of all the work I have accomplished since I was first hop-sitalized, Celia had torn a STRIP OFF MY FUCKING ASS.

“What the hell, Kg?” she yelled, when had I told her Dick Nuts was winning the battle, if not the war. “I thought you said you wanted to get better. I thought you said you were in recovery.”

“I AM in recovery,” I started to respond, but she had cut me off.

“No, you’re not! Obviously you're not! If you really wanted to get better, you wouldn’t be acting like this, would you? You wouldn’t be thinking and acting out your old behaviors, would you? Tell me, Kagie, when the eating disordered thoughts came upon you, what did you do? Did you call someone for support, and try to talk it out?”

“No,” I muttered.

“Huh. And did you talk to your Higher Power, and ask Him for help?”

I sighed. “No.”

“So what did you do, Kage?”

“Nothing,” I admitted snottily. “I didn’t do anything. I just ate.”

“There you go,” she said. "You gave in to your addiction. Your chose to use instead of staying in your recovery."

"Whoa!" I cried. "It's not like I drank or used drugs! It's fucking food."

"It's the same thing," she insisted. "You're gonna have to start your recovery over again, with a new sober date."

"WHAT?! That's insane!" I cried.

I argued and she chewed me out for a few more minutes, then she told me she loved me and that I was a precious child of God, and hung up. The longer I mulled over what she had said to me, though, the angrier I had gotten. What the fuck does she know? I had fumed. I have to start my recovery over? Why don't I just go out and fucking USE THEN?

I let it eat away at me over the next couple of days - Celia doesn't understand me, she doesn't understand the nature of eating disorders, I don't think she is the one to help me, everyone else said it was okay. But for whatever reason, I still made my appointment with her yesterday to go over my homework from the week before.

When I arrived, we sat down in her office and started reviewing the homework, but it wasn't long before we were down to the real business at hand.

"What was your reaction to what I said to you last week?" Celia asked, propping her feet up on the desk across from me. "When you told me your eating disorder was winning again?"

I hesitated. "Initially, my feelings were hurt," I admitted. "I felt like your reaction completely negated all the hard work that I have done over the past seven weeks. And that made me defensive."

"And then?" she prompted.

"Then, I tried very hard to accept what you had to say," I said uncomfortably. Ha ha! I thought. Not even close.

"Mmmmm," she smirked. "And after that?"

I sighed. "Then I got really fucking mad at you."

"Ahhhhh," she said. "Let's look at that, shall we?"

I explained myself - that I was pissed that she would dare equate my eating disorder to my drug addiction and suggest that I have to start all over; that saying such a thing set a dangerous precedent that could have led me to using, if I wasn't so goddamn sure that I would rather shoot myself in the fucking face; that I felt betrayed by her for getting so angry with me, when I didn't drink or use, I just fucked up with my food; and it wasn't like bingeing and purging was an imminent threat to my health, like drugs and alcohol were.

"Kagie, there's something that you seem to have forgotten," she said with a sigh. "It's not just food. You've told me over and over again that your eating disorder can and eventually will lead you back to drugs and alcohol. Don't you see? The food will lead you back to death. It will lead you back to abusing drugs and alcohol, which just makes you try repeatedly to kill yourself."

I groaned, and dropped my head into my heads. Fuck, I thought. She was right. How the fuck could I have forgotten THAT?!

“I got upset with you Kagie because you chose to participate in your addiction, instead of in your recovery. Everyone else might blow sunshine up your ass and tell you it's okay, that it happens, that it's your eating disorder recovery and it's to be expected, but you and I both know that's not true. You cannot fully be in any recovery if you are still engaging in those kind of behaviors. You know that in your heart, don't you?"

I nodded.

"You had the opportunity to try to do things a different way, to try to do things our way instead of your way, but you didn’t take it. Tell me, does your way work, Kage?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“What?” Celia demanded loudly.

“NO, VOTER COLONEL,” I yelled.

“That’s right,” she said, ignoring my attitude. “Does our way work?”


"Good girl," she grinned. "Now get the hell out of my house, you should have started dinner six minutes ago. I love you."

And she booted me out the door again.

God. I'm so glad I didn't fire her as my sponsor. Can you imagine? I would be soooooooo fucked.

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