Sunday, February 27, 2011

Big Man With A Gun

Oh, hey, Trent. 
Gosh, you look lovely tonight. Better than lovely. Mmmm.
Ker-ist, it's hot in here.
And I think my panties just fell off.

I am a big man, yes I am
And I have a big gun
Got me a big old dick 
And I like to have fun

Held against your forehead
I'll make you suck it
Maybe I'll put a hole in your head
You know, just for the fuck of it

I can reduce you if I want
I can devour
I'm hard as fucking steel 
And I’ve got the power

I'm every inch a man 
And I'll show you somehow
Me and my fucking gun
Nothing can stop me now

~ Nine Inch Nails

Did I say gun?

I meant award.

Good work, baby. See you at home...



  1. I was so excited when he won!! My God, Daddy looked GREAT!!!!

  2. Trent Reznor wins Oscar... so cool.

    BUT hopefully it doesn't mean he'll stop doing rock records.

  3. I heard about that on the radio this morn. I don't watch the Oscars but bitchin' for Mr. Reznor!

  4. What? What happened? I'm lost. No worries, though. I'll google it up and come back here more educated. Yeah.

  5. Jewels,
    sigh. didn't he, though?

    yeah, the instrumental pieces are nice and all, but they're not why i love him. more rage!

    i didn't watch it either. i just made my mum and dad tell me when he won so i could look up his picture ;)

    Sugar Free,
    trent reznor won another award for being sex god, that's all. you know, the usual...

  6. He's a good looking bollix, good for him though and obviously you.

  7. Right? It's the only time I yelled all weekend with my shit flu. Hurt like hell, but totally worth it.



  8. We're going to have to duct tape all of your celebrity crushes together into one super crush so you can have it all in one place.

    Or something.

  9. And yet my scheisse film wasn't even considered for nomination. Regardless, congrats to Trent for an award well deserved.


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